
About O.R.C.

About the Other Rugby Club

Purpose and Objective

The purpose and objective of ORC are to develop, grow, and promote the sport of rugby union, to develop members’ physical and mental capacities on and off the pitch of rugby. ORC shall build a highly successful rugby program dedicated to creating a winning culture, focused in and around Pflugerville and Round Rock, TX.


To fulfill our vision through a commitment to:

  • Developing a sense of brotherhood on the team
  • Dedicating ourselves to the ethos of the sport (Appendix A)
  • Become stewards and students of the game of rugby


Membership in ORC shall be open to any person who has paid the appropriate dues. Membership shall not be denied, nor its privileges abridged because of race, color, religion, national origin, or ancestry, and shall be in compliance with existing Federal and State laws. Membership in ORC can be denied due to a current or past relationship with the club and its members. The Executive and Disciplinary Committees must review those individuals.

Team Goals

  1. Win Texas (Conference)
  2. Win the West (Regionals)
  3. Win Nationals.